Technical service support

Official Technical Service Hidrosalud

Technical service support

We are here to help you

48 hour maximum authorised technical support service

CENAGRUPSA is certified in “Water management for human consumption and household indoor water purification systems” as approved by the Ministry of Health and awarded by AGUA ESPAÑA in collaboration with the Dr. Oliver Rodés Laboratory (RD/140/2003). It is an active member of AQUA ESPAÑA y AQUA ANDALUCIA, and Authorised Installer Nº0827 of the Professional Association for Drinking Water Purification (ADETAP) in Andalucia.

Our technical service support team is certified by AQUA ESPAÑA in the management of “Household and Indoor Water Purification Systems” and in y de “Human Consumption Water Management”, awarded on October 20th 2011.

The technical service support team at Cenagrupsa is committed to attending to any equipment malfunction or necessary maintenance within approximately 48 hours, depending upon our internal route management schedule.

In this online section, you may leave your contact details if you wish and we will get back to you to resolve doubts or offer you an appointment for any equipment malfunction or maintenance.

We would also like to take the opportunity to remind you that you may contact us directly at our offices, from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Technical Service Contact Form

To contact our technical service, please fill in our form and indicate the reason for your contact.


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