Esencia Water

We look after the water that looks after you.

water pirifier excellent series

Welcome to Esencia Water

The essence of agua

The EsenciaWater brand is the successful result of a prolonged period of study and research, and thanks to the work of tens of people in different fields within the area of water treatment. The company opened its doors in September 2012.

water pirifier EsenciaWater excellent


The ESENCIAWATER EXCELLENT water purifier applies the most advanced technology to reverse osmosis…


The most ecological, functional and comfortable proposal on the market. It is simply the best

Purezza in the press

Technical service support

We are here to help you

CENAGRUPSA is certified in “Water management for human consumption and household indoor water purification systems” as approved by the Ministry of Health and awarded by AGUA ESPAÑA in collaboration with the Dr. Oliver Rodés Laboratory (RD/140/2003). It is an active member of AQUA ESPAÑA y AQUA ANDALUCIA and Authorised Installer Nº0827 of the Professional Association for Drinking Water Purification (ADETAP) in Andalucia.

Our technical service support team is certified by AQUA ESPAÑA in the management of “Household and Indoor Water Purification Systems” and in “Human Consumption Water Management” awarded on October 20th 2011.

48 hour maximum authorised technical support service

What distinguishes it from other water purification systems?

Frequently asked questions

Why buy ESENCIAWATER? What distinguishes it from other water purification systems in the market?

Firstly, as mentioned above, its filter capacity is 98% whereas other treatment systems filter less than 50% of suspended particles.

Secondly, Purezza has the most modern technical specifications of any water purification system presently on the market: in fact, it has only been on sale since September 2012. Its particular functions are:

  • Autoflushing: this is an automated cleaning procedure that takes place periodically.
  • Aquastock: this detects any leaks or any other malfunction, and switches the machine off automatically.
  • Quality Control: this indicates water quality level.
  • Filter control: this indicates the condition of the water purification system filters

Thirdly, it is important to bear in mind that the Purezza reverse osmosis water treatment system is environmentally friendly since it reduces to a minimum the water that is wasted, depending upon water pressure and quality.

CENAGRUPSA is certified in “Water management for human consumption and household indoor water purification systems” as approved by the Ministry of Health and awarded by AGUA ESPAÑA in collaboration with the Dr. Oliver Rodés Laboratory (RD/140/2003). It is an active member of AQUA ESPAÑA y AQUA ANDALUCIA, and Authorised Installer Nº0827 of the Professional Association for Drinking Water Purification (ADETAP) in Andalucia.

Our technical service support team is certified by AQUA ESPAÑA in the management of “Household and Indoor Water Purification Systems” and in “Human Consumption Water Management”, awarded on October 20th 2011.

The Cenagrupsa technical service support team installs any products purchased from us within 24 hours, and repairs malfunctions in a maximum of 48 hours (including Saturdays). Throughout the entire working life of the water purification system, the company charges neither visiting fees nor labour costs (independently of the 2 year guarantee stipulated by law).

One of the major advantages of the Purezza reverse osmosis water purification system is the equipment we use: CENAGRUPSA works very closely with Hidrosalud, the top European brand.

Our reverse osmosis water treatment systems undergo the strictest health controls set by the European Union.

How does ESENCIAWATER carry out reverse osmosis?

Although when mains drinking water enters into the home or office it is perfectly drinkable, it contains a series of suspended particles that may affect consumers’ health. Water treated by ESENCIAWATER enters through the household mains system and passes directly through a series of 4 filters and a semi-permeable membrane, isolating the harmful suspended particles and leaving the water without any impurities whatsoever, 100% pure and therefore beneficial for consumer health.

Is it complicated to install the equipment?
The installation process of our products is very simple: we locate the waste water pipe below the kitchen sink (or as near as possible if there isn’t sufficent space). The water purification system is attached to the water inlet and outlet pipes. Once this is done, the equipment is installed and ready for use, taking up no more room than for example the hard drive unit of a home computer.
Do our products require much maintenance?
As with any other highly technical product, our products require specific maintenance in order to guarantee their correct functioning, dependent on two factors: usage, and local water quality. Purezza customers need not worry about either of these aspects, since the technology used is so advanced that the machine warns of any necessary maintenance issues or leaks that may occur thanks to its advanced Filter Control and Aquastock systems, whose function is to switch the machine off in the case of any leak.
Is the water we drink from the ESENCIAWATER water treatment system really healthy?

Doctors recommend drinking water to have a low mineral and sodium content. Tap water does not comply with this recommendation, even though it is apt for human consumption, and neither do many brands of bottled mineral water in their entirety. Water consumed through our water purification system, in other words once it has undergone reverse osmosis, contains the recommended level of minerals: water without impurities, where all harmful elements such as sodium, zinc, copper and chlorine have disappeared. In fact, our water treatment equipment may eliminate as much as 98% of these harmful substances.

Contact us

Contact form


9 + 2 =

Find us at:

Calle Sigfrido, 50
Polígono Industrial Alameda
29006 Málaga

Telf: 951 770 780

Office hours:
Mornings from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m..
from Monday to Friday

Work with us:

If you are interested in joining our team, please fillin this form.

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